Friday, February 27, 2009

my son cracks me up

This is just a quick note on what Junior and I did tonight... (i know i am soooo behind on blogging and i promise to catch up on stuff soon). He had seen a preview on t.v. for the movie "Push" and thought it looked like it would be full of some cool special effects. I didn't look up any reviews online first, but since he had won a gift card at school for having been voted the "favorite science project" by all the students, that was what he wanted to see, so off we went. First off, let me ask, what the heck is up with the upcoming movies?? Let me give you a rundown of the first three previews we saw: #1: movie called "Fighting" about some 20-something year old kid fighting in fights that people bet on (not in a ring or anything like that) and of course, everyone, including the "girl" and the guy who "discovered" him bet against him in the "big fight". Really? I am pretty sure this movie has been done before but to actually call a movie "Fighting" and attempt to make it look cool just bugged me. #2: I can't remember the title of this one, but it was about a delivery guy who mis-delivers a package that was full of drugs that the dealers track down to him and the people at the apt he delivered it to and well... again....REALLY? A whole entire movie about this? I can see a lame SNL skit, but a 120 minutes? #3: I think was "Crank 2" or something like that (about that guy from "Crank 1" I suppose) who gets hurt and then has some body part snatchers steal his heart and replace his with an artificial one that has like one hour of juice left; we get snippets of him hooking jumper cables to his chest/tongue and also rubbing up against an old lady in a fuzzy sweater to make a static charge... ARE THE MOVIE PREVIEWS OF MOVIES I WANNA SEE????? I admit that finally there was a Nic Cage one that I did want to see called "Knowing", but now after seeing the extended preview, it just might be too depressing... Anyway, "Push" was too long, and just ok to me; Jr rated it 3/5. We went and ate dinner after and oh yeah, here is the part (in the car on the way home) where he cracked me up...

Jr: Mom, I gotta tell you something about tonight...
M: What's that son...
Jr: I am pretty sure our waiter got bonus points for touching you...

So embarrassing right? I mean he has been noticing when guys try flirting with me for a while now, but that was a new way to put it... Usually when the guy at RadioShack or GameStop or the video store won't stop trying to get my attention, he will just say real loud "Wow, he does know that I am your son, right mom? I mean, he is doing this RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!" It doesn't stop the guys, but it makes me laugh... He is a great kid...