So I am hoping that 145 in the morning is not going to be my new blog time... It seems like everyone else somehow manages to blog at normal times. Am I a bad mom if I did not make my son go to scouts? Wednesday night was the season premire of "Lost" and well, at least I went to YW... Someone had to stay home and watch to be able to give me the update. If you are not a Lost fan, then please don't lecture me on how it is only a tv show, honest, I am aware of this... I swear that I won't let him miss every week... Today I had to get Junior a key made for the house since tomorrow I am going to the dentist and of course since I have such crazy, nonlogical(?)anxiety about this, I am getting sedated. My mom is kindly driving me and bringing me home after, but I'm doubting that I would be awake enough to unlock the door for Jr after school. I know that at least my sister is wondering why I don't have another copy of the key to my front door already, and oh yes, there has been more than one made in the past 7 years, trust me... Someday in Jrs room, or in the laundry room, or in one of Jr's old jackets or in a box of his toys, I will find like 5 house keys I am sure. Does everyone else change their locks if they lose a key? Oh, something fun I did do today was watch my friend I have had for the last 29 years play on Wheel of Fortune for teachers week. He made it to the final round, but then didn't get the phrase "true value" which was completely lame. The phrase, I mean, not that he didn't get it. He at least won 13000$ and a cruise which was very cool. He is a bishop in Hawaii now and is still a great friend to me. Is it weird that I am still friends with boys that I completely made out with? =) I remember that like at least a couple of my old boyfriends came to my wedding and my husband was complely fine with that. I don't know why my thoughts are so random right now... I think I am just completely stressed about tomorrow and I am thirsty and I can't eat/drink for 12 hours before and my appt is at 1030 so I'm going to be soooo dehydrated because people that know me know that I am the water bottle queen... grrr... I am going to go pretend that this is a normal, one subject post like everyone else's blogs for now~! Bye~!
p.s. I think Jr used a house key for a fishing lure in that pic...