Wednesday, May 20, 2009
ok not really, but i thought about it... =) so everyone with cute little new babies, just remember that someday those cute little new babies will think that you just might be embarrassing no matter what you do and thats OK... this just caught me off guard because when there is stuff at juniors school, he always comes up to me and acts glad to see me and introduces me to his friends so who woulda thought he would worry in our own neighborhood.... ::shrug::
Saturday, April 18, 2009
My sister and her kids came and hung out with me and my mom this time which was fun. These are some of my favorite pics I took of her kids when I was tending them when she went out for her anniversary in Feb...
April 10
Where'd we park again? Oh yeah, look for the blue SUV... right, right....
April 12
On Easter, my mom was giving a talk in church and she asked us to go listen to her talk. She did a great job. I wish I could talk in front of people like she and my dad can. After church, we had a delicious Easter lunch and sat around visiting and watching basketball. My parents had been cleaning out their attic earlier in the week and found some of my dads clothes from when he was a medic in Vietnam. My mom was so surprised at how skinny my dad's medic whites were and wanted Jr to try them on... (my dad is insisting that they aren't his, maybe my mom shrunk them in the wash, but I can totally see my dad that thin in the military)... Then we just had to hide some Easter eggs in the front yard even though Jr is getting a little old for that, he played along like the good son that he is... It actually has been too long since the Easter bunny has hidden any eggs outside at our house because of the weather, so this was fun for me too lol
Now, consider yourselves all caught up~! *Whew*
On March 21, Real Salt Lake had a free game at their new arena and so my brother Jon took Jr and his brother in law to the game. They got some new shirts which was perfect since Jr's old one was getting a little small on him...
Junior has been getting treatments up at Primary Children's Hospital and University of Utah Hospital for his EE. He has a thing with his esophagus where he can get food caught in it randomly and then he can't swallow anything at all; sometimes for up to 8 hours. He will end up having to spit into a cup for that whole time and it is very uncomfortable and can be painful and scary for him... This has been an ongoing problem for him for the past 4 years and we are hopeful that this treatment will be something that will prove to be an improvement for him. So anyway, he gets iv treatments every month and bloodwork done and also egd's done every 4 months. Here he is getting his iv treatments:
Here he is getting ready for his last egd on March 3rd which was also the same day as the district science fair. Tyler had to go set up the project since Jr was still trying to recover that day...
Sunday, March 1, 2009
My Dad...

* When my husband was killed in August 1998 and we were living in Arizona, he and my mom jumped on a plane immediately and spent that first crazy week helping me try to get to see Kevin, figure out financial stuff, get my car registered, and just be on the phone with the military and made me lists to help get organized with everything that I would need. I was a complete mess and it was such a reassurance to know that my parents were both there to help in all ways. *
* My dad was the one who blessed, baptized and ordained my son. *
* He has given countless blessings and been an example to Junior of a worthy priesthood holder... *