Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Read my post first for pics to make sense...

Jr's birthday

Kevin Sr and Kevin Jr, couple hrs old

Chubby baby~!

So when we were at my mom's house for New Years Eve, we were playing this cool card game called "Pounce". My dad was keeping score and was asking everyone their team names... My little brother (who was married in Feb 08 and is expecting his first baby in Apr 09) looks over at his teammate, his wife, and says: "the BABYMAKERS~!" His wife busts up laughing and my dad says, "Hey now, who is the one here who has made seven babies? That's who should be the Babymakers..." My brother says they are just getting started and may have even more than seven so nah nah nah boo boo etc etc ... It was pretty funny at the time and it just made me remember how that first year of marriage was and also how when you are pregnant it seems like everything you do and say revolves around that subject (as well it should). They are just so cute together and don't seem to hardly be able to be more than an arms length away from each other. If I ever did get married again, I really would want to be with someone that I felt like that about with. I think I had something like that with Kevin, and now after 10 years of it being just me and Junior, I just wouldn't want to ever just settle with someone that I didn't feel that strongly about again. (Ok now, seriously, I DO need my space and I don't like to feel smothered or checked up on since I'm pretty independent, but the point is, if I WAS with someone 24/7, I'd hafta want to be with them; even when I wasn't.) So being excited for my little brother having his first baby has just had me thinking about the days when Jr was born and so little. Dang, don't our kids grow up so fast~!?! When he was little, he used to want to look at his baby book and photos all the time, but apparently, when they are almost 14 years, that is not really something that they find on the same level as playing Halo online with their friends... Maybe if there were younger kids in the house, then I could be going "OH hey, look how much fun your little sister/brother and I are having doing this thing that you used to find SOOOO fascinating to do with me!", but then he'd prolly just be thinking, "Whew, now I don't hafta do that anymore"... GRRR -- I swear I'm not that overprotective (at least not super-overprotective) mom, and I swear I won't follow my son on his mission to BFE, or to college, but I can't promise since he is my only child that I won't move to at least 30... err... 20 miles from wherever he eventually settles down and starts raising my grandkids and I DO promise that I won't make him go on a reality show called "Mama's Boys" and make him let me choose his girlfriend/wife for him. For now, I will just be grateful that I have this great kid named after the only person I liked enough to marry and will share a couple pics from his baby book with YOU~! =)

p.s. if anyone knows how to put pics at the end of a post (or in the middle) instead of at the beginning, call me... I tried searching the help stuff, but couldn't find the answer...


  1. I totally agree with you! I want to be with Jason all the time because he is fun, and supportive, and my best friend. I hope more people feel that way.
    Ok to move your photos down into your post just click and drag them into the text and then arrange the text around them. Of course Dede knows the real way, but that is how I do it.

  2. I love your pics! I only remember Kevin from your wedding...but as a shy little kid it made an impression that he noticed me and was so stinking nice.
    So, if dragging the pictures doesn't work for you...try clicking the one you want to move, pressing ctrl+x (this will make it disappear, don't worry), clicking where you want to put it, and pressing ctrl+v.

  3. LOVE your blog! Thanks for the cute comment! I can show/tell you how to do pictures in the middle of a post if you want. Call me! Dede knows also, as Emily said. You are so cute!

  4. love your pictures! they are sooo cute. and I cut and paste my pictures where I want them so it sounds like everyone has different ways to do it. Choose which way you like.

  5. I love parent and new baby pictures. It's no wonder Kevin Jr is taller than you. How tall was Kevin Sr?

  6. Wow! Kevin was a cutie!! (both of them!!) And if you ever decided to remarry he has a lot of friends to get past first! It would have to be someone as special as the first one to deserve Kevin and you!

  7. I loved this post! Thanks for sharing some pictures of Kevin Sr. - I can see a lot of Jr. in him! I love having reminders to enjoy the moment!!

    btw - love the sidebar pictures - call me and I will walk you through whatever!!

  8. JR is so cute. And I entirely agree with you about relationships. You deserve the very best because you are one of the kindest and most loving people I know.

    BTW. I need my space too.
