april 4-april 12
My brother Jon and his wife Sam finally had their baby~! YAY~! They named him Andrew. He was born 3 weeks early but he is doing great. He has awesome parents and is very loved by all of the family that he has... Jr is loving having a new little cousin to look out for and love...
After we left the hospital visiting the newest addition to Jon's family, we went to Gmas house because it was the Priesthood session of Conference that night. Another Hastings tradition is that all the guys meet over at Gmas house for pizza after the meeting and so it has been fun for the younger boys that are just old enough to start going to the meeting to finally be able to go with their dads and see what all the fuss is about.

Grandpa, Uncles, Cousins
My sister and her kids came and hung out with me and my mom this time which was fun. These are some of my favorite pics I took of her kids when I was tending them when she went out for her anniversary in Feb...
After dinner, my uncle brought out a little parachute that my dad had sent him when he was in Vietnam that he had tried to use by jumping off the roof of his house when he was little (even though my dad says in his letter when he sent it to him, he is pretty sure he told him NOT to do that lol). They used these parachutes during the war to drop mini bits of supplies to the soldiers. He gave it back to my dad to keep and Jr was seeing how big it opened so of course, out came my camera....

(I think it looks like a jellyfish...)April 10Jr won a lift pass at Brighton at the State Science Fair, so off we went to take him snowboarding... Luckily, this was the same place that he went for his first time last year. He had a blast. We got there at 930 in the morning and he finally tired out around 300 in the afternoon. The snow was actually perfect and there wasn't any avalanches when we were there, which was my main concern. Oh yeah, always get your kids to wear helmets when they are skiing and snowboarding, no matter what~! If you start them in them, there is never an issue on it... I'm jus sayin... I saw too many little kids without them, and it was making me crazy...

Where'd we park again? Oh yeah, look for the blue SUV... right, right....
April 12
On Easter, my mom was giving a talk in church and she asked us to go listen to her talk. She did a great job. I wish I could talk in front of people like she and my dad can. After church, we had a delicious Easter lunch and sat around visiting and watching basketball. My parents had been cleaning out their attic earlier in the week and found some of my dads clothes from when he was a medic in Vietnam. My mom was so surprised at how skinny my dad's medic whites were and wanted Jr to try them on... (my dad is insisting that they aren't his, maybe my mom shrunk them in the wash, but I can totally see my dad that thin in the military)...
Then we just had to hide some Easter eggs in the front yard even though Jr is getting a little old for that, he played along like the good son that he is... It actually has been too long since the Easter bunny has hidden any eggs outside at our house because of the weather, so this was fun for me too lol

Now, consider yourselves all caught up~! *Whew*